We’re not Stupid, we’re only Selfish, do you agree?

Cagintua e.V.

We are not stupid, we‘re just shelfish, what do you think make black man hates black man?
I had been thinking about what could be the main reason behind why we black Africans have chosen to remain in poverty and so disorganised as a people. The only reason i could come up with is; we need to improve on our intelligent if it is possible.
It takes only stupidity for a man to regards himself as being clever when he is infact doing stupid things all the time.
Leaders stealing money from Africa and depositing them in Europe.. isn‘t this stupid enough?
Xenophobia in South Africa has no other name but a display of stupidity
Bad governance is a sign of stupidity as well
Blaming colonialisation and still doing the same thing that colonial masters did is the mother of all stupidity.
Refusal of government to provide basic welfare and basic health care for its citicen is stupid.
It was on the 04.04.2019. I was having discussion with one of the volunteers working with Cagintua e.V.
The topic was about the Xenophobia in South Africa, then it went on and on back to the reason for colonisation and the present renewed exploitation of Africa continent by both African leaders and their sponsors. By sponsors i mean those that handed them the guns they are using to kill innocent women and children. If you say that those that pick guns and start killing their fellow human beings are not stupid enough, you wait till they come for you!
It always bother me to see that as we Africans were blessed with lots of meneral resources we still remain poor to the extent that most of us have to run away from the continent exploring all ways of migration.
„All ways of migration“ this has become a big concern and it has continue to be the point being exploited by uninformed individual including the lazy brothers in South Africa who now turn against their fellow brothers killing them and trying to force them out of South Africa. The same South Africa that the whole World helped ro restle from the grip of Appartheid.
Our brothers in South Africa have forgotten so soon. But if they forget, most of us whose resources from our countries were put together to fight off the apparthied regime may not forget.
What stops South Africa from being one of the best countries in Africa where other oppressed and persecutted Africans could go to seek for protection instead of heading to Europe through seas and deserts?
As we continued with our discussion my friend told me that we are not stupid and i humbly agreed with him. He was not alone. Another friend went ahead to say that Black man is not stupid, he is only selfish.
Yes, i have reason to agree with this arguiment following the recent incidence in South Africa.
But my friend siad we are not stupid. I still agree with his arguiment.
Recently there was a Whatsapp video circulating around, which calls the attention of many of us that may not know how the then strong Nigeria Naira became so week overnight.
The theory puts it that some experts from the land of the wise men visited Nigeria and gave the then government of Nigeria an expert advise that the strong Naira needed to be devalued for economic reasons.
Our black leaders said „yes sir“ and the strong Naira was devalued!
Europe subsidice European farmers. Africa has no interest to encourage young people to go into farming. Africa wants to compete with Europe to produce mobile phone and planes. But even if they succeed in producing them, how would they convince African people who are already in love with Foreign products to abandon those durable products?
We are blessed with fertile land but still we are hungry. The government has no plan to make people fall in love with farming but they are competing with wise men instead of learning from the wise men.
In Zimbabwe, lands was forcefully seized from White farmers even after colonisation has ended. What makes it impossible to use our intelligent to bring about a peaceful negotiation between the white farmers and the black community in Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe economy is dead, cold dead! I beg your pardon, we are not stupid. I agree with my friend, we are not stupid. We are shelfish to the extent, most of our leaders want to own everything. The same game that the colonial masters played.
What was the difference between the era of colonial masters and that of Mobutu, Idi Amin, Abacha, Paul Biya and the god of Uganda?
I was on the way home and i was still struggling with what my friend said. I called google and asked for the definition of stupidity and this is what i got; „Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or common sense. Stupidity may be innate, assumed or reactive – a defence against grief or trauma.“ wikipaedia
But a stupid man could gain intelligent only if he learns. But if you’re stupid and claim you’re intelligent ,good luck with your act of bad governance.
I went further to search for, „can a stupid man become intelligent?“ And this is what i got;
After reading the above link i got to únderstand that stupid people overestimate their competence but wise man knows himself to be fool.
I did not stop there, i was able to also read about five habits of stupid people that smart people don’t have
You can read it here if you like
Another teacher here tells me that intelligent is not what you’re born with, you learn it.

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