
8. African cultures and Democratic Dialogue

Home|8. African cultures and Democratic Dialogue

Date: October 26, 2022
Platform: Virtual (Online)

Introduction: The 8th African Cultures and Democratic Dialogue (8ACDD) conference took place on October 26, 2022, addressing the pressing issue of the challenging living situations faced by many African refugees in Brandenburg. The conference, conducted in an online format due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, brought together African migrant organizations to collectively explore strategies for improving the lives and prospects of African refugees living in Brandenburg. The event aimed to foster collaboration, dialogue, and concerted efforts to address the multifaceted problems faced by African asylum seekers, particularly focusing on issues related to deportation, lack of prospects, and mental health challenges.

Conference Focus: The 8ACDD conference centered on the somber reality of the living conditions experienced by a significant number of African refugees in Brandenburg. It specifically highlighted the plight of young women and men who had sought asylum and were grappling with the specter of deportation and a dearth of opportunities. Many of these individuals found themselves in a state of indecision, torn between returning to their home countries and remaining in a challenging and uncertain environment. This internal struggle resulted in emotional distress, leading some refugees into states of depression. Additionally, the conference addressed the predicament of African asylum seekers who were stranded due to the rejection of their asylum applications.

Conference Objectives: The primary objective of the conference was to unite various African migrant organizations in a collaborative effort to devise comprehensive solutions for improving the living conditions and prospects of African refugees in Brandenburg. These organizations aimed to harness their collective expertise, resources, and experiences to formulate practical strategies that could be implemented to alleviate the challenges faced by the affected individuals.

Conference Proceedings: The conference proceeded in accordance with the outlined grant application, encompassing a range of activities designed to facilitate meaningful discussions and outcomes. Participants engaged in focused dialogues to explore ways to overcome the obstacles faced by African refugees in Brandenburg, especially those grappling with deportation issues, a lack of prospects, and mental health concerns.


  1. Identification of Challenges: The conference facilitated open discussions that shed light on the complexities of the challenges faced by African refugees. Participants shared personal stories, experiences, and insights, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.
  2. Collaborative Solutions: Attendees deliberated on practical measures that could be taken by the participating African migrant organizations to address the identified challenges. Strategies ranged from advocating for policy changes to creating support networks for mental health and psychological well-being.
  3. Collective Action Plan: Through thoughtful deliberations, the conference culminated in the formulation of a collective action plan. This plan outlined specific initiatives, timelines, and responsibilities for each participating organization, aiming to address the multifaceted problems and improve the lives of African refugees in Brandenburg.

Conclusion: The 8ACDD conference on October 26, 2022, provided a crucial platform for African migrant organizations to engage in democratic dialogue, collaborate, and strategize for the betterment of the living conditions and prospects of African refugees in Brandenburg. The virtual format facilitated wide participation despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference not only raised awareness about the struggles faced by African refugees but also demonstrated a tangible commitment to finding actionable solutions and creating a supportive environment for those in need. By uniting diverse organizations with a common cause, the conference emphasized the power of collaboration and dialogue in effecting positive change in the lives of vulnerable populations.

Supported by : Integrationsbeauftragte des Landes Brandenburg