What will save Africa in two sentences

Cagintua e.V.

The two options:
(1) Africa should shun everything that the colonisers brought to imposed on Africa and then create their own instead.
(2) Humbly invite the white man to Africa to create in Africa a “charter city” that would serve as an inspiration for good governance and development.

Both options look exacltly like the same pill but one is better than the other and to survive Africa must chose to swallow one of these two pills. Falure to do so, Africa will continue going in the circle in which it finds itself since 60 years ago.

If you have been able to listen to Professor PLO Lumumba speeches, you may be able to add yours to it and come up with whatever you think is a better alternative to the two bitter pills above.
Case 1 above;
how can we continue to blame the colonial masters for all the evil that happend to Africa and at the same time wine and dine with the same master we hold responsible for all our problems. Eating their food, drinking their water. Driving their cars, flying their planes, wearing their dresses and name it….
What are we producing in Africa that could replace all those? When are we going to be brave enough to at least accept that we are the one doing the things in the wrong ways?
We continue to speak the languages of the colonisers and we blame them for it. Did they programm these languages in our mouth even after they left? We copy their cultures, We worship their lovely and wonderful God and name it. At least they stopped us from sacrificing our children for those old gods.
And still we say they are not our good friends and they are not to be trusted? We love them and we should learn to love them more.

Case 2 above:
The world is watching, yes, even China is watching Africa like a bird that sits on top of the tree watching the small rat to pick for food.
If the rat is lucky or if the rat is smart, it‘s survival depends on either.
We love everything that the colonial master has brought and imposed on Africa. The colonial master left Africa many years ago and we are independent. Are we better off? What can we do or produce that is acceptable to Africans? Even toothpicks we import them!

If you miss this, Nigerian are now ordering pizza from UK, i did not manufacture this story, it was reported right inside the floor of Nigeria parliament, you can liste to it also:
If you think slavery has ended you must watch all reports coming out of Libya in relating to the refugee crisis there.
The plain truth is, nothing is working in many parts of Sub-sahara Africa. Forget all those fake statistics coming out of some of those countries. The best way to measure if a country is good or failed is to see how many percentage of her citicens that are running away from the country.
Almost all the able bodied young people are seeking for the ways to get out of many of those countries.
Why can’t those countries even start to encourage mechanised farming? Ask those failed governements million times, they have no simple and concrete answer simply because they are failed states!
If we are talking about good governance, we Africans must be ready to learn it.

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