Uniting to Build a Stronger Africa: A Call to Action

Cagintua e.v.

As demonstrations sweep across Europe, with calls from right-wing extremists for black Africans and immigrants to return to their countries, it’s a somber reminder of the persistent challenges of racism and discrimination that plague our world. These demonstrations highlight the need for a renewed commitment to building a better and stronger Africa—an Africa where the youth no longer feel compelled to flee in search of a better life. It is time for Africans, both at home and abroad, to unite in this mission.


Building a Strong Africa: The Collective Responsibility

Migration, when done legally, is not a crime. It is a human right. Yet, while it is understandable that many seek better opportunities abroad, it is equally important to remember the value of investing in and building one’s homeland. The comfort and stability found in new homes can sometimes cause individuals to forget about the challenges and potentials of the Africa they left behind. But one day, the call to return may come, and when it does, what kind of home will you find? The responsibility lies with all of us to build our home—a strong, thriving Africa.

At Cagintua e.V., we have always maintained hope for a new Africa—an Africa where people would love to live, not leave. 

Our vision is of an Africa that offers its citizens the opportunities and security they seek elsewhere. It is a fact that the current situation in Africa is deeply rooted in the historical collaboration between past African and European leaders, a legacy of colonization that has left a trail of destruction and exploitation. This legacy manifests in various forms, including the exploitation of the poor by powerful individuals who wield fear as a tool of oppression. Multinational corporations exacerbate this by exploiting resources, contributing to climate change, and polluting the environment.


The Consequences of Fleeing and the False Hope of Migration

While some are fortunate enough to escape the hardships in their countries, celebrating their newfound lives and citizenships, others remain trapped in poverty and oppression. Some returnees, having gained some wealth, return to flaunt their success, often inciting envy and despair among those left behind. This dynamic has led some families to make desperate decisions, such as selling their land to finance dangerous journeys for their children through human traffickers. Tragically, many young men and women lose their lives attempting to escape poverty, unaware of the deadly risks involved.

The right-wing extremists who advocate for deportation are entirely misguided. The focus should not be on expelling Africans from Europe but rather on uniting European and African governments to create a better Africa where its citizens can live in peace and prosperity. These extremists are wrong in their approach, and it is up to right-thinking, anti-discrimination individuals to ensure that the right-wing extrimists do not gain power or influence.


The Imperative of a United Effort

This is a call to action for those who have joined hands with exploiters to steal Africa’s resources. Escaping to Europe or other countries does not erase one’s identity as an African. No matter how many citizenships you acquire, your roots remain. The energy spent trying to gain acceptance and respect in foreign lands should instead be channeled toward making Africa a better place to live.

Imagine an Africa where the youth no longer feel the need to flee, where opportunities abound, and where the diaspora returns not to flaunt wealth but to contribute to growth and development. This vision can become a reality if we all commit to the task at hand.


 A Strong Africa for All

The journey ahead is challenging, but it is not impossible. By working together, we can create an Africa that not only retains its youth but also attracts its diaspora and friends from around the world. Let this be a reminder that the ultimate goal is to make Africa a better place to live—a place where no one feels the need to flee.

In this united effort, we must also stand firm against racism and discrimination, no matter where they rear their ugly heads. A better Africa and a better world are intertwined, and by building a strong Africa, we contribute to building a better, more inclusive world for all. 


The time to act is now. 

Instead of calling for military to take over your country, insteaad of calling for Russia to come and govern your country, join hands with the democratically elected government in your countries to build a strong Africa, and together, let us create a future where the African dream is a reality for everyone.

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