Support for African Refugees Escaping The War In Ukraine

Cagintua e.V.

In the wake of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, a growing number of African refugees who had been studying in Ukraine prior to the outbreak of war have found themselves facing a myriad of challenges upon their arrival in Brandenburg. These young men and women, who have fled the turmoil and uncertainty of their homeland, are now confronted with new hurdles that range from securing accommodation to navigating language barriers and accessing education. Our project, with a focus on aiding these refugees, aims to address their immediate needs while providing them with a foundation for rebuilding their lives in their new environment.

Challenges Faced by African Refugees in Brandenburg

Many of these refugees had been pursuing their education in Ukraine before their lives were upended by conflict. Upon arriving in Brandenburg, they are confronted with a host of difficulties, including:

  1. Accommodation: The lack of affordable and suitable housing can leave these refugees in vulnerable positions, struggling to establish stable lives in their new surroundings.
  2. Language Barrier: A language barrier presents significant obstacles in terms of effective communication, accessing essential services, and integrating into the local community.
  3. Continuing Education: The interruption of their studies due to displacement creates a challenge in terms of continuing their education and pursuing their career aspirations.
  4. Residence Permits and Discrimination: Navigating the complexities of obtaining proper residence permits can be arduous, compounded by instances of discrimination and bias that these refugees may encounter.

Our Project’s Role in Empowering Refugees

We understand the urgency and importance of addressing these challenges and providing holistic support to the affected refugees. Our project focuses on offering assistance in the areas of “Begleitung, Beratung und Betreuung” (Accompaniment, Consultation, and Support). We have observed that misinformation has led some refugees to conceal themselves, fearing deportation. Additionally, those with expired residence permits are living with the constant fear of being sent back to unsafe conditions.

Our dedicated volunteers are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of these refugees. We achieve this through various means, including:

  • Information Seminars: Regular seminars are organized to provide refugees with accurate and up-to-date information about their rights, responsibilities, and available resources.
  • Education Support: We assist refugees in seeking school admissions and provide guidance on how to navigate the education system in Brandenburg.
  • Translation Assistance: Our volunteers offer translation services to bridge the language gap, ensuring that refugees can access essential services and communicate effectively.
  • Accompaniment Services: We accompany refugees to various appointments, including visits to government offices, medical facilities, schools, and immigration centers, offering them moral support and practical assistance.
  • Residence Permit Guidance: Our project provides information and assistance regarding residence permit applications, renewals, and navigating legal processes.

Reaching Out for Support

We want all affected refugees to know that they are not alone. If you are a refugee from Africa who has fled the conflict in Ukraine and is currently residing in Brandenburg, we encourage you to reach out to us. You can visit our office in person, send us messages, or give us a call. Our goal is to provide the support you need to rebuild your lives, overcome challenges, and find hope in your new home.

By working together, we can create a community that welcomes and supports each other, enabling all members to thrive in their new environment.

This Project is supported by: Care Deutschland.