Project CiRiA-Civil Right Assistance

Cagintua e.V.

Know Your Right, Stand For Your Right. Ask Peacefully For Your Right!

Cagintua expert visited Rural Women Stronghold Helpers Foundation

Cagintua experts from Brandenburg visited RUWOSH during the Project CIRIA. The experts from Cagintua joined the RUWOSH expert to provide information about the living situation of refugees in Brandenburg refugee camps, Racism and discrimination, Colonialism and how migrant organisations in Brandenburg accompanied refugee to offices in Brandenburg


















The trained civil right assistants have been able to carry their campaigns to some schools in Ibadan Nigeria.
Shortly after the trained civil right assistants completed their six months training which began in october 2020, they now begins to share their experiences among the school children in Ibadan Nigeria.



Basic Human Right

  • Definition of human right
  • -Universal declaration of human rights
  • -Philosophies of human rights
  • -Concepts in human rights
  • -Human right laws.

Human Responsibilities

  • -Definition
  • -Moral obligation/responsibilities
  • -Differences between moral responsibilities and legal responsibilities
  • -Psychopathy’s lack of sense of responsibilities

School and educational Institutions

​Is education a basic human right in your country? Do children have right to compulsory primary/secondary/University education? What happens if parents don’t send their children to school? Is it the responsibility of the government or of the parents to send children to school? What does the law say? What right do you have as a citizen to demand for the right of the children to be educated?

Student activists in Brandenburg and their relationship with refugee in fighting discrimination

Refugees in Brandenburg enjoy good working relationship with the students. Some of the student’s activists take the front line in the fight against discrimination. How do their cooperation affect refugees integration in Brandenburg?
Refugees right in Brandenburg. Activists, student activists and basic human right.
Financial assistance for students in Brandenburg (Bafög). Compulsory education for children.

Some fundamental rights in Nigerian Constitution

  • Section 33- Right to life
  • Section 34- Right to dignity of human persons
  • Section 35- Right to personal liberty
  • Section 36- Right to fair hearing
  • Section 37- Right to private and family life
  • Section 38- Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • Section 39- Right to freedom of expression and the press
  • Section 40- Right to peaceful assembly and association
  • Section 41- Right to freedom of movement
  • Section 42- Right to freedom from discrimination
  • Section 43- Right to acquire and own immovable property
  • Section 44- Compulsory acquisition of property

Employers and Employees right

  • Contract of employment
  • Employer rules and policies
  • Basic employer duties and responsibilities
  • Basic employee rights and duties
  • Enforcement of rights of an employee
  • Grievance management: Protest, Official written complaints
  • What is a protest and how to stage a peaceful protest
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a protest