Refugee crisis and the denial of failed government

Cagintua e.V.

Africa needs a charter city, to be created and governed by the rules of civilized country. The indirect selling of Africa bit by bit to China will never help us it will make us permanently slaves of China for many years to come. Then we would start crying that China has colonised Africa. The colonisation of Africa by China has already started. Only the creation of a charter city can stop it!

Majority of Africa believe in mirracles, sixty years after independent they have been in this dream of angels coming from heaven to liberate Africa from the hands of corruption but things are not getting better.

Most people back in Africa who have refugees and asylum seekers in Europe have no idea what it is for asylum seekers to become stranded in transit and their countries of destination.
They do not know and understand how it feels like to become hopeless at home before the young people decide to flee.

They do not know how frustrating it is if the people at home keep demanding from a stranded asylum seeker to send money to them every week. Many of them lack understanding that money is not flowing like river in Europe. Yes! They think these helpless asylum seekers must do whatever, even to sell their bodies and send them money only for some of them to marry new wives and make party!

The kind of work that most of refugees avoided to do at home is what they eneded up doing at their new destinations even if they are lucky to find one.

Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if the government of Europe is just operating the same system of governance like in Africa? No, just ask yourself!
It is quit understandable though that some criminals profit very well from the situation of things in Africa. If thing become normal these individuals would lose all what they have. Therefore they work hard to make sure things never change for better.

Now one wonders why people despite knowing fully well that their governmnet is not doing nothing to make things work better, they still decide to keep silence only to look around for their brothers and sisters who are near suffocation due to pressure of deportation to keep sending them money from Europe where they are seeking asylum.

Hey! Stop forcing these asylum seekers to send you money. Most of them have no permission to work! Why don’t you go and farm, grow your food instead of forcing your sisters and brothers to send you money? Stop forcing these refugees to send you money! They don’t have! They have no permission to work. They are fighting deportation too! Some of them want to return home but they feel ashame because of YOU! You will mock them if they return without money to give you.

Just look at the ways some individual criminals are exploiting the crazy situation in Africa. The last time, a popular self proclaimed pastor said he raised a dead man. Even the man he claimed to have healed of HIV is now dead! Only in Africa you find people rejoicing for losing thier own minds.

Just have a look at the number of people shouting and clapping hands believeing this con man.
The same way they believe that their leaders are in the right way for good governance. Not possible!
The only way out for Africa is to create a charter city, allow it to be administered for a number of years, then we would have enough time to learn how they govern rightly in those countries where many of us are now hiding.

JUST ASK YOURSELF. Is it possible for this resurrection man to try and claim this kind of stupid act in any part of Europe? You find this only in failed states only.

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