Partnership Governance, A new Africa and The Beginning of Wisdom

Cagintua e.V.

Rwanda is doing well, according to many reports. This is the only single country in Africa that has been recieving praises recently.
May the souls of many innocent women and children that lost their lives in the most brutal and senseless war that tore that country into pieces rest in peace. The country is rebuilding.
Liberia was also destroyed by war waged by Charles Taylor. It is also rebuilding. We should not forget Sierra Leone.
DRC is still going through calamity, A president was selected but report reaching out of this country rich in mineral resources indicates that the political party of the president, the ruling party has no single senate seat! What? You know what that means?
Experimental democracy in many parts of Africa has gotten no single positive result since almost 60 years after independent.
When is the positive results coming when some of those countries do not even have power to provide their citicens with clean water and constant electricity.
Luigi di Maio, the italian minister publicly accused France of playing important role in the problem facing Africa and causing young people to flee Africa but no single Africa state reacts.
A country that is able to provide security, jobs, basic welfare and basic healthcare for its citicens would comand respect from both its citicens and migrants.
A failed country that has no clue how to provide good governance but uses the apparatus of the government to victimize citizen is on the way to total collapse.
In many instances we have read how some African politicians do call on international community to come and inetrvene in their political problem which they are responsible to cause themselves.
The world is moving very fast now and no one should blame the youth for not having patience. They need action. They need to see things working! But the only thing that is working in most African countries now is mega corruption.
Can democracy work in Africa? Many say no, it can’t work
If Egypt decides to create a new capital city from the scratch, it is also possible to create a single city inside Africa. It is only this city that would serve as a living example of democracy to many African countries.
If there is no single country or city to point to in Africa as a good example of peaceful democracy, all these experimental democracy will continue without end.
The new capital city of Egypt can not provide safety for all young people running away from hardship in sub-sahara Africa. It can not re integrate all young women and men sold as slaves in Libya.
Africa needs a charter city. A city that belongs to all Africans. A city they can run to in time of trouble. A city where they can find safty, the same safty they seek in Europe.
There are always troubles in many African countries. Ranging from domestic violence to killing by agents of governments. Corruption and bad governance including domestic and governmental violence in Africa can never end. Why? Revenge!
People need protection. If they must not risk their lives accross the seas and deserts to reach Europe, then a safe city should be built for them inside the continent of Africa.
As Luigi di Maio of Italy puts it, Europe in colaboration with African leaders are responsible for the calamity of Africa.
United they need to create a city for the safty of innocent people of Africa. The struggle to liberate the whole continent of Africa from the trap it has fallen to is a dream, a very long dream.

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