Sudan should plead with EU to govern It for 50 Years.

Cagintua e.V.

Omar Al Bashir is gone, so what next?
Sudanese military does not trust the Sudanese civilians and the Sudanese civilians does not want to trust the reminants of Omar Al Bashir junta.
A joint rule of civilian and military junta would only rubish the efforts of the civilian revolutionaries of sudan that stood their ground to force Omar Al Bashir out of power that he held for 30 years.
For how long must the demonstration continue? Not till eternity!
Who is going to govern Sudan now?
It is not too early to guess what would come next if another black man takes the leadership of sudan at this delicate time.
It is easy for any individual sudanese to boast and beat his chest like other African leaders from any part of the continent that he is sure of leading a successful government. Easy to say than done!
But since we have not seen any example of any country in Africa predominantly with black people that has been very successful at the job of governance.
Some of those countries that are doing relatively well are mixed with black and white. One example is South Africa.
Sudan has a good chance at this time to invite international community to assist them lead a transition government for a period of 50 years. During this time the young Sudanese would be able to learn how to govern democratically.
Failure to do this, would only push Sudan into repeating the same old stories of misrule.
Many people are watching Sudan at this time. Those that started the revolution that pushed Al Basir out of government need to do more. They should swallow their pride and invite international community for governance assistance.
Many have asked me in the past why i always ask Sub-Sahara Africa to ask for governance assistance.
I also ask them, „why do Sub-Sahara Africa always ask for military assistance and financial assistance from the west? Why?
Why do we invite Chinese to come and build our bridges and our rail lines?
Why do we have a lot of foreign military bases inside Africa?
If our corrupt governments could ask for military assistance, if our corrupt government could plead for white man to come and build our infrastructures and to come and dig our mineral resources why are we so proud to ask them to show us how to govern? Even to conduct free and fair election is a big problem for many Sub-Sahara African countries.
Without pointing fingers at any particular country in Africa, we all know how many of the countries in Africa have lost considrable number of their young women and men trying to cross from Africa into Europe. Many of these countries of Sub-Sahara Africa are already failed states and many are on their ways to fail.
If those countries are suitable and attractive for young Africans they would not have decided to flee illegally to Europe. Even an honourable minister from one of the failed countries in Africa once said his country has enough doctors and there is the need for doctors from his counry to flee abroad and start to sent money in foreign exchange.
But according to WHO statistics, this particular country has shortage of doctors.
China is already among us in Africa. They are taking up strategic locations. Do you think they have come to Africa as mere father christmas? The answer is no.
Chinese are here but to colonise Africa without mercy!
For those of you that believe in nature.
Is it in agreement with common sense for a single person or a single race to be blessed with all the talents in this world?
Every person and every race is blessed with particular talents.
If the nature has really blessed the black man with art of good governance, it would not be too hard for us to point at any country in Africa where there exist an example of good government.
Instead for us to continue this experimental governance, the best to do is to learn while we have those that have experience of good governance lead and teach us how to govern.
Which way Sudan?
You want to go it the former old way or you want to go it a new way? The choice is yours!
But fifty years will come very soon. There is still tons of time for Sudanese to prove this essay wrong!
Good luck.

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