Nigerian Politicians and Their Celebration of Violence

Cagintua e.V.

Nigerian Lawmakers you should be ashamed of yourself.
All you care about is to allocate fat salaries to yourself.
Most of Nigerian lawmakers earn more than the president of the united state of America
But they never care about the security of their poor people.
Why are Nigerian lawmakers creating insecurity in Nigeria?
You punish the people with hunger and you are systematically killing them.
You are sponsoring violence against your own people.
Why are you setting the herdsmen against the farmers?
You politicians are responsible for the problem between herders and farmers in Nigeria.
You politicians own most of the cows that the herdsmen walk around with.
It’s true!
Why are you causing and igniting ethnic tensions in Nigeria?
Why are you igniting racial tention in Nigeria?
How much would it cost Nigerian government to create ranch where the animals could be fed?
Why is it difficult for you to creat ranch in Nigeria?
Why are you paving way for more violence in Nigeria?
Is the violence of boko haram not enough? Have you not seen enough blood?
Why ritual killings?
The problem of herdsmen and farmers have been going on for more than eight years
More than eight years, you have no solution to the problems between herdsmen and the farmers
Shame on you.
But you want to compare your government with the governments of civilised world?
Shame on you!
This your action points only to one thing.
You are incompetent!
You know nothing about good government!
All you are interested in is to steal and steal and steal
Do you think that people that got their family members killed by criminals don’t feel pains?
Who wish to be killed by criminals?
No one.
Why is it difficult for you lawmakers to make law that would put to rest the problem between herders and farmers?
Why can’t you stop ritual killings in Nigeria?
Do you need colonial masters to come and make good laws for you for the security of your people?
Criminals are kidnapping people.
Criminals are  killing people
And you criminal politicians continue talking politics.
You have no respect for human lives.
Your action has shown that you lack the knowledge to run good government.
Eight years is enough to solve problem between herdsmen and farmers.
Yes, eight years is enough.
You allow criminals to carry guns around in Nigeria to kill innocent people.
You provide guns for criminals to kill innocent citizens that you swore to protect.
You are celebrating criminals
You are rewarding criminals
Is that how to govern?
No, that is not good government.
One death is just too much.
No one wants to die.
You swore to protect the Nigerian constitution
Is it written in Nigerian constitution that you should deny security to Nigerian people?
Your action is against the Nigerian constitution.
You have failed to keep your constitutional oat.
You have failed
You have committed crime.
It is a crime for you to expose your citizens to death.
You crime is that you swore an oat to protect Nigerian and you have failed.
Violence is not justified
Not by the citizens
And not by the government.
Violence is a crime!
Use constitutional means to fight bad government and not violence!.

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